Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition
XV! CONTENTS. CHAP. VII. golf. sect. 1. General Bemarks 2. The Links 3. The Clubs and Balls 4. The Game . CHAP. VIII. croquet. 1. General Remarks 2. The Laws ofCn quet... 3. Management of PrizeMeetings 4. Private Play pagh ... 732 .. 752 ... 762 754 755 756 759 7G1 BOOK II.—MISCELLANEOUS GAMES. CHAP. I. archery. 1. Implements of the Craft 2. The Use of theBow 3. Target-Shooting 4. Rules for an Archery Club... 5. Dress 6. Expenses CHAP. II. quoits ano skittles. 1. Quoits 2. Skittles CHAP. III. curling. 1. General Remarks 2. Rules of Curling 3. Technical Terms 763 766 768 769 769 769 770 771 772 773 774 BOOK III.—ARTIFICIAL MODES OF LOCOMOTION. CHAP. I. swimming. 1. General Bemarks 775 2. Modes of Swimming 776 3. Diving, Swimming under Water, &c. ... 778 4. Modes of Supporting the Body without Progression 779 5. Tricks in the Water 780 6. Great Swimming Feats 780 7. Bathing 781 8. Cramp, Rescue from Drowning, &c. ... 781 9. Restoration of the apparently Drowned ... 783 CHAP. II. skating. sect. page 1. The Skate 784 2. The Dress 785 3. Hints to Beginners 785 4. Figure Skating 5. Records 6. Precautions on the Ice 7. Roller Skating 788 CHAP. III. bicycling. 1. Retrospective 791 2. Modern Improvements 79i 3. The Status of Bicycling 793 4. Varieties of Bicycles 794 5. Safety Bicycles 795 6. Road Riding and Touring 796 7. Racing 797 CHAP. IV. tricycling. 1. A Comparison of the Merits of Bicycles and Tricycles 799 2. Principles of Construction 799 8. Double Driving Gears 800 4. Front and Rear Steerers 801 5. Rotary and Lever Actions and Hill-Gear 801 6. Varieties—The Front Steerer 802 7. Varieties—The Humber Type 805 8. Varieties—Double Tricycles 806 9. Road Riding and Touring 807 10. Racing 807 CHAP. V. riding. 1. The Riding Horse andits Accoutrements 809 2. Accoutrements and Aids 812 3. Mounting and Dismounting... 812 4. Management of the Seat and Reins ... 814 5. The Ordinary Paces 816 6. Vices andManege Movements 819 7. The Ride 822 8. Female Horsemanship 82B 9. Ladies' Dress ... . t 825 CHAP VI. driving. 1. Varieties of Carriages 2. Harness 3. Harness Horses 4. Harnessing and Putting-to ... 5. Breaking to Harness 6. Driving ... ... ••• 7. Cost of Carnages and Harness 826 8S2 834 834 835 PAET IV —NATURAL HISTOEY OF THE PRINCIPAL ANIMALS USED BY MAN IN RURAL SPORTS. BOOK I.—COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF MAN, THE HORSE, AND THE DOG. 1. Their Position in the Scale of Creation ... 839 2. The Nervous System 839 3. The Skeleton 810 4. The Muscular System 846 5. The Organs of Circulation 847 6. The Organs of Respiration 849 7. The Organs of Nutrition and Depuration... 852 8. The Ogans of Reproduction 855 9. The Organs of Sense 855 10. The Sk'n, and GeneralCellular Membrane 856 BOOK II.—GENERAL HABITS AND VARIETIES OF THE DOG. CHAP. I. General Habits or the Doo 857 CHAP. II. Varieties op the Doo 857 Division A. dogs that find game for man, leaving him to kill it. 1. The Pointer 2. Setters ... 859
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