Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition
CONTENTS. xvii 865 870 :t. page |3. Field Spaniels ... ... ... 861 \i. Water Spaniels 863 Division B. |)ogs •whichkill game when found fob them. 5. The English Greyhound 864 Division C. dogs which find and also kill their game. 6. The Bloodhound 7. The Foxhound 8. The Harrier 9. The Beagle 0. The Otterhound ... 1. The French Basset 2. TheDachshund 3. The Fox Terrier, Smooth and Rough 4. The Truffle Dog Division D. bogs which retrieve game that has been wounded by man. 5. The Retriever S72 6. The Deerhound „. ... 872 Division E. useful companions of man. 7. The Mastiff The Newfoundland The St. Bernard Dog,Rough and Smooth The Great Dane or German Boarhound . The Bulldog The Bull Terrier Terriers Sheep Dogs Pomeranian, or Spitz The Dalmatian Dog ... Division F. ladies' tot dogs. 7. King Charles Spaniel |8. The Blenheim Spaniel |9. TheItalian Greyhound ... lo. The Pug Dog tl. The MalteseDog 12. Toy Terriers, &c. ... ... 873 874 875 877 877 878 879 CHAP. III. page Dog Snows, andJudging by Points ... 891 BOOK IIT.—GENERAL HABITS AND VARIETIES OF THE HORSE. CHAP. I. General Habits of the H rse CHAP. II. Varieties of the Horse ... 803 893 BOOK IV.—GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG AND HORSE. CHAP. I. sect. management of the dog. 1. General Remarks 897 2. The Breeding Bitch 897 3. Dressing 898 4. Kennels 898 5. Management of PetDogs 898 CHAP. II. general management of the horse. 885 1. Stabling and Stable Appendages 900 886 2. Coachmen and Grooms 904 886 3. Grooming 905 4. Feeding in the Stable and out 906 5. Water 910 6. Bedding 910 886 7. Clothing and Bandaging 911 887 888 8. 9. Clipping, Singeing, and Trimming Stable Vices 911 912 889 10. The Degree ofWarmth necessary for the 890 Stabled Horse 914 890 11. Management ofthe Feet 915 PART V.—DISEASES OF THE DOG AND HORSE. 300K I.—GENERAL PEINCIPLESOF PATHOLOGY. |l. Definition of Terms 916 Principal Diseased Conditions 916 ,3. Varieties of Fever 916 •4. Inflammation 917 |5. Diseasesarising from Want of Tone, or from Over-Feeding 917 t*OOK II.—ORDINARY DRUGS USED FOR THE DOG AND HORSE, AND THEIR MODE OF ADMINISTRA TION. CHAP. I. the action of medicines, and the forms in which they are gene ally prescribed Alteratives 918 Anodynes „. ... 918 Antispasmodics 919 Aperients 920 Astringents 921 Blisters 922 Caustics 922 8. Charges 9. Cordials 10. Demulcents 11. Diaphoretics ... 12. Digestives 13. Diuretics 14. Embrocations ... 15. Emulsions 16. Emetics ... 17. Expectorants ... 18. Febrifuges 19. Clysters 20. Lotions 21. Ointments 22. Stimulants 23. Stomachics 24. Styptics ... 25. Tonics 26. Worm Medicines CHAP. II 923 924 924 924 024 925 025 925 926 926 928 927 927 928 928 928 928 928 929 \ Mode of Administering Medicines to the Dog 029 CHAP. Ill Mode of Administering Remedies to the Horse 930
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