Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition
xviii CONTENTS. BOOK III.—THE DISEASES OF THE DOG AND THEIR TREATMENT. CHAP. I. fever sect. page 1. Simple Ephemera] Fever 933 2. Simple Epidemic Fever, or Influenza ... 933 3. Typhus Fever orDistemper 934 4. Bheumatio Fever 938 5. Small-pox 939 6. Sympathetic Fever 939 CHAP. II. inflammations. 1. Of the Brain and NervousSystem 940 2. Inflammation ofthe Organs of Sense ... 941 3. Inflammation ofthe Kespiratory Organs 943 4. Inflammation of the Organs of Nutrition... 945 5. Inflammation of theKidney and Bladder 949 6.^Simple Inflammations of the Skin 949 CHAP. III. diseases accompanied by want of power —atonic diseases. 1. Chorea, Shaking Palsy,Epilepsy, and Fits 950 2. General Dropsy 952 3. Bronchocele 952 4. Worms 952 CHAP. IV. diseases arising prom improper feeding or neglect. 1. Ansemia, or Poverty ofBlood 956 2. Rickets and Enlarged Joints 957 CHAP. V. specific diseases. 1. Mange 957 2. Cancer 959 8. Encysted Tumours 959 4. Diseases of Parturition 959 CHAP. VI. accidents and operations. 1. Cuts, Tears, and Bites 960 2. Fractures 961 3. Dislocations 962 4. Operations 963 BOOK IY.—THE DISEASES OF THE HORSE AND THEIR TREATMENT. CHAP. I. SECT. PAGE| 3. Catarrhal Fever, Influenza, or Distemper I 4. Malignant Epidemic, Putrid, or Typhus Fever ... i 5. Molten-Grease ! 6. Symptomatic Fever I CHAP. II. inflammations. 1. Inflammation of the Brain and Nerves ... 2. Inflammation of the Eye and Mouth S. Inflammation of theLungs, &c 4. Inflammation of the Organs of Nutrition... 5. Inflammation of the Urinary Organs 6. Ordinary Dissases of the Skin 7. Inflammation of the Feet and Legs 8. Inflammation of the Bones 9. Inflammation of theJoints 10. Inflammation of the Musclesand Tendons 11. Inflammation of the Blood-Vessels fevers. 1. General Bemarks 2. Simple Fever... 965 965 CHAP. fill. diseases accompanied by wan 1. Worms 2. Indigestion 8. "Washiness CHAP. IV. specific diseases. 1. Mange 2. Glanders 3. Farcy 1000 4. Glanders in Man 100! 5. Parasites in the Horse's Skin 1001 CHAP. V. accidents. 1. Strains and Break-Downs 2, Broken Knees 8. Knocking Down of the Hip 4. Cutting and Over-Reaching 5. Quittor, Pricking, Thorns, &c 6. Fistulous Withers 7. Warbles, Sit-Fasts, Saddle, and Collar- Galls 8. Fractures and Dislocations CHAP. VI, minor operations on the 1. Bleeding in the Neck, Leg, and Toe . 2. Rowels 3. Raking 4. Shoeing 5. Castration 6. Ruptures 7. Nerving 8. Administration of Chloroform INDEX 100! 100! 10' 1011 ioi; 101! IGli 101!
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