Men of Muscle, and the Highland Games of Scotland, etc.
PREFACE. according to the data at our disposal. If any errors do occur-and we have done our be·t to avoid inaccuracies, and instantly corrected those which appeared in the original when pointed out-they have crept in through wrongful statements made to us, and not from a desire to favour any particular man or country. Our thanks are due to several secretaries of Highland games for their kindness in supplying information, and to many gentlemen in different parts of Scotland who have voluntarily come forward with facts which might have otherwise remained unknown to us. Later on we hope to publish a second series, dealing more fully with Men of Muscle who have only been touched upon in this volume, and also comment on other branches of athletics. It has afforded us much pleasure to resuscitate the deeds of M n of Muscle, and if the perusal of the articles can give half the enjoyment which the writing has given us then the end has been attained. 38 ARDGOWAN ST REET, GLASGOW. CHARLES DONALDSON.
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