Men of Muscle, and the Highland Games of Scotland, etc.

THE HIGHLAND G.DIES OF SCOTL \~D. · 5 that when on horseback 1 or dressed in semi-horsey attire, attending the races. She has no female equal in the hunting field, and will gallop across country over hedges and ditches with the best of the huntsmen; but neither the animation of the racecourse, nor the pleasure and excite– ment of the hunting field, even with beauty added, can compare to the thrill which is imparted to the Scot at Highland games In Canada, in the States, in Africa, in New Zealand, and Australia, wherever Scotsmen have made their homes, there have the pipes, the kilt, and Highland games been established. In America the Caledonian games are larger and more pretentious than here; but the pipes arc true to their home, and only speak of the hills and glens of Scotland. They may, in time, become reconciled to the prairies, but they will not think of Red Indians and scalping; that is a kind of warfare the pipes cannot recognise. Although the dawn of Highland games is shrouded in mystery, it seems beyond doubt that either Inverness or Braemar was the birthplace of a properly conducted High– land gathering, as we understand it. Other towns besides these may claim the honour, but the popular opinion is in favour of the places mentioned. However, fifty years ago Highland gatherings were annually held all over Scotland, and at that period 1\I'Hardy and Menzies were the champions. M'Hardy is the better known of the two, and in becoming an athlete followed in the footsteps of his father, who was champion at the local games i11 Aberdeen– shire until defeated by his son Allister. Th~ family were natives of Braemar, and have been described to us as powerfully built thick-set men, unsuited to running or jump– ing, but born putters and weight throwers; and they would have been first class wrestlers had they understood the art. At this period putting was done standing at the mark, and the ham ner was thrown pendulum style. The caber was