Men of Muscle, and the Highland Games of Scotland, etc.
ADVERT! T~IEi\'T, Zhe Sportsman's Emporium THE PRACTICAL SPORTS OUTFITTERS, 99 St. Vincent Street, CLASCOW. Vaulting Horses, Trapeze Bara and Ropss, Parallel Bars, Horizontal Bars, Spring Boards, Jumpin,c Stands, Hand Rings, flopes, Ladders, etc. • Indian Clubs, Dumb-bells Gymnasttc in Wood & Iron, Bar-bells made to a"y weight. ,tppliance Boxirtg Clovas, Punching • Balls, Helmets, Masks, Foils, Single Stick,, Bukets, eto. Special Quotations given for _fitting· ttP Gymnasia. Cricket, Croquet, & Tennis Goods. AGENTS FOR ALL THE WELL-KNOWN MAKER • Special Terms to Clube, GOLF. GOLF. Sole ~fakers of the . . . "NEW ANGLE=RIBBED" GOLF CLUBS. 6 /6 6 /6 Well Tested by Experts, and pronounced l\farvellou.. The S. E . are agents for all the principal Clubmakers. GOLF BALLS AND ALL REQUISITES. REPAIRS OF ALL KI~ DS DONE 0. THE PRC, USES. Jll11strrr.ted Price List on Ajjlication.
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