Men of Muscle, and the Highland Games of Scotland, etc.
- THE HIGHLA."D G.UIES OF SCOTLA.TD. 7 names will always remain among the famous supporters of the Highland games of Scotland. No other country or nation can boast of sports so pure and so characteristic as those of Scotland. England can point to Robin Hood and his merry men in Sherwood Forest, who were the most expert of their time in the old English games of archery and quarter staff; while the bold sons of Ireland could crack an opponent's skull in a skilful and masterly fashion with the shillelagh; but these are only relics of a barbarous age which cannot be encouraged now. while Highland games are even more ancient, yet just as suitable to the present time as centuries ago. Boxing is English, and a noble game it is. Such names as Jack Broughton, Tom Cribb, Jim Belcher, Gentleman Jackson, Tom Sayers, and Jem l\Iace will live in the memory of the English-speahng world for generations to come. But the surroundings at a boxing contest often almost rob it of its charm. With Highland games i.he case is different. Granted good weather, everything combines to add a zest to the day's enjoyment. Games such as those of Luss or Helensburgh are like a tonic. The green level sward, the hills, the trees, the smell of the country, the tartan, the dancers, the gay and happy people, the stalwart athlete , and the pipes echoing through the glens or across the loch. There is nothing like it under the sun ; the racecourse, the cricket field, and football are tame and uninteresting in comparison. The relative merits of leading athletes is a delicate question and most difficult to determine. In hammer-throwing, how– ever, Donald Dinnie clearly occupies the front position, ·while Kenneth M'Rae, G. H. Johnston, Donald Ross, and James Morrison are so near each other that it seems impossible to decide which of the four should take second place. M'Rae and Johnston were at the top of the tree for a much longer period than Ross or Morrison, and Johnston holds the record
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