Men of Muscle, and the Highland Games of Scotland, etc.

131 Dinnie states that he is in much better form now than at any time since his arrival in this country last year, though he does not imagine that he will again be able to make his records of 15 years ago, done in Scotland. He is now 46 years of age.''– Pacific Life, November, 1883. No. 10.-J Al\IES BUCHAN was born on 29th December, 1870, in the village of Fintray, Aberdeenshire. Until he was twenty-one years of age he worked on his father's farm in the Parish of Kinellar, Aberdeenshire. In January, 1892, he joined the City of London police, but left that force in June, and joining the Ayrshire Constabulary in December of same year. Four years and three months later he got transferred to Partick. Buchan stands 6ft. 3jin. in height and weigh 13st. 6lb. He commenced an athletic career when I 7 years of age by winning several local events at Blackburn Athetic Sports. The following year he began to compete successfully, as an all round athlete at the sports in the surrounding district, and continued to do so up to the time he ~oined the police force. In 1895 at Govan Police Sports, he was second for putting the 16lb. ball, distance 39ft. 11 in. The following year he won the high leap, height, 5ft. 7in. and gained the silver cup and gold medal. In 1898 he won twenty-four first prizes for high leap alone, the best jumps being, 18th June, Celtic Park, 6ft.; 2nd July, Motherwell, Lanark Police, 5ft IIin. ; 9th July, Dundee, 5ft. min. ; 30th July, Paisley, 6ft. ~in., (measurement in this case not guaranteed) ; 6th August. Arbroath, 6ft. ; 11th August, Inveraray, 6ft. I in. This leap was measured at the sides and there was a slight bend in the centre of cross bar. Lord Archibald Campbell of Argyll, declared he never witnessed anything to equal this perfo1mance, and warmly shook the victor by the hand. September 7th, Ahoyne, 5ft. 10in., breaking record ; September 10th, Pitlochry, 5ft. 10lin. Pitlochry record. The foregoing are a few of Buchan's best performances in public. He has repeatedly made 41ft. with 16lb. ball, and 105ft. with 16lb. hammer, and coyered 2 rft. long leap and 45ft. hop, step, and leap. Buchan is now a sergeant in the Partick Police, much respected by his brother constables, and one of Captain Cameron's most trusted henchmen. K