Men of Muscle, and the Highland Games of Scotland, etc.
THE HIGHLAND GAMES OF SCOTLAND. I I 1 o advantage over another who made the same distance under similar conditions fifty years ago. But a man who throws a hammer with a handle measuring 4ft. 2in. over all, and weighing, say r6lb., standing style, r 20ft., this year may have a decided advantage over an athlete of fifty years ago making the same throw, even with the same weight of hammer, and having the same measurement over all, if the handle was heavier and the ball lighter. Supposing 16lb. has to be thrown, the more of that weight put into the head and the less left in the handle, the farther the weight can be thrown, even with wooden handles. When wire handles are substituted, and turning indiscriminately is allowed, a third or even more can easily be added to the distance. In throwing a 56lb. weight the distances that it is possible to make are most elastic, and depend solely on the kind of missile used and mode of delivery. No athlete could throw a square box-shaped 56 far, but when a triangle-shaped grip and a few links of chain are attached to a ball, the whole weighing 56 lb., some extraordinary distances have been made in the turning style. The old-fashioned method was standing at the mark with– out a turn, using an ordinary 56 with a ring. This style of weight is still in vogue at many of the games, but the athletes are allowed one turn. Dinnie and Davidson were the best of the old school in the fair stand style, and George M. Ross and George H. Johnston the best of the moderns, of course with one turn. Morrison and Cameron are both improving in this branch, and are liable to surpass the best distances made in recent years. The subject of styles and handles could be discussed to almost any length, but space is limited, and here we mu t reluctantly close this series of articles and bid the reader good bye. [This was the end of the articles in Evening Times. The records which follow appeared in prcYious number .]
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