Modern Athletics 1868

88 MODERN ATHLKTICS, is found in keeping step.The jumper alights on his heels instead ofhis toes, as in highjumping. SECTION III.—POLE JUMPING. The leaping pole should be made of fir or ash, and about eleven or twelve feet in height, gradually tapering towards the top, and with sateel spike at the foot. As in all other conteststhe leaper must commence at a mo­ derate height, aboutsix feet, and graduallyraise the bar as he becomes accustomed to the exercise. He should firmly grasp the pole atabout the height to be cleared, the hands two to three feet apart, with the right one uppermost if he bea right-handed man. A run of from fifteen to twenty paces should be taken, holding the pole well in front. On taking off",the weight ofthe body must be raised by the arms,and thelegs should surmount the bar first, the bodybeing kept almost in a straight line with them, and broughtover afterwards. The leaper thus alights facing the side fromwhich he took off, where he also leaves his pole, which must be quitted hold of on reaching the bar. SECTION IV.—HURDLE EACING. This branch of pedestrianism has essentially been a favourite one since the institution of modern athletic meetings. The usual height of the hurdles is 3 feet 6 inches, but their distance apart varies according to the length ofthe raceand the number of flights. In hurdle racing much depends on whether the obstacles are " bucked" or leapt over. The former is byfar the quickest and easiest method, and consistsof taking the hurdles in stride, and thus not interrupting the regular run. " Bucking," however,requires much practice, and should be commenced over low obstacles, about two feet high. Jumping the hurdles causes the competitor toalter his stride and so lose time. Care must be taken not to trip at or touch the top bar, as doing so almost invariably entails a mishap. The greatest heights and longest distances accom­ plished in amateur leaping, as well as the fastest times for amateur hurdle Tacing, will be found at pages 119 and120.