Modern Athletics 1868
CHAPTER IV. EEVIE"W or THE ATHLETIC SEASON OF 1867-8. INwriting a review of tlie athletic season, myendeavour lias been to affordan insight into relative proceedings and individual or collective performances as briefly as is con sistent with clearness. The athletic season in the metro polis andat both Universities,maybe definedascommencing at the beginning of October and ending with the last week in April. By that time allthe great gatherings are over with the exception of the Civil Service, par excellence the ladies meeting of the year inLondon, the champion meeting, and a few provincial athletic festivals whicthake place in the middle of the summer. Some may say that an annual review which leaves off at the end of April, ought to commence from the preceding April; but I think most willagree with me that the bond fide athletic season begins inOctober. I have endeavouredto state factswithout making in ferences. Although it may not bpeossible to avoid giving offence in some quarters, I nevertheless trust that the difficulty of pleasing all and offending none will be duly considered by my readers. There may be,indeed there is, a difficultyin such areview, the first yet written on athletic sports; and again the value osfuch criticisms dependson their being exhaustive, whereas I of necessity must be brief. My object, indeed, is simply historical, thinking that past achievements must always be interesting to all true lovers ofsport, whether agents osrpectators. I will at least endeavour to be accurate.Time and space do not permit me to give the names of all the starters in every event. With this prelude I will ask all my readers, whether ladies (for they now grace andhumanize our meetings)or gentlemen, competing or looking on,to allow me to say— my say.
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