Modern Athletics 1868

30 MODERN ATHLETICS. 100 yards, and quarter of a milpe,roduced good fields, tlie times being very fairconsidering the course was on turf. Eussell won the hurdles in 18 seconds; Cotes the 100 yai'ds_ in 10 2" seconds; and R. H. Benson the quarter mile, in 68| seconds. St. JohnC'sollege,Oxford, sportosok place on November 11 and12. The Hon. F. S. O'Grady had it all his own way in boththe jumps,although incurringpenalties forprevious victories. C, Y. Fell possessed himselfof the challenge cup again, performing splendidly by beating J. Somervwelhl,o represented his University at Beaufort House in 1867, in the 100 _yards (time 10^ seconds); and also dis­ posing of O'Grady, to whom he gave five yards, in the final heat of the hurdles. For the half mile strangers, seven competitors, allOxonians, came to the post. E. V. Somers-Smith (Merton) followedup his previous victories by cutting down M. Muir Mackenzie (Brazenose), who had made the running altlhe way, attwenty yards from home, and winning easily; W. J. Frere (Magdalen) taking second honours. K. A. Deakin sustained his reputation as a stayer, by winning both themile and two miles. At the Queen'sCollege, Gamhridge, sports, on November 14, J.H. Ridley(Jesus) frightened awamy any competitors in the quarter milestrangers' race, and won in a trot. Thomas also made good time, viz., 23 secondisn, thefresh­ men's 200 yards. Queen's College, Oxford, occupied two days, November 15 and 16, but nothing occurred worthy mofention, as all the times were bad; and the same remark applies to the 8t. Catherine's College, Cambridge, meeting, at whicHh ,J. Ridley,asusual,wonthestrangers'halfmile,onNovemberl6. On November 16, the West LondoBnowing Club began their eighth athletic season, at "WestBromptotnh,e events for decision being an open quarter milehandicap (which secured 46 entries), and a club 300 yards handicap. Seven heats wererun for the quarter mde. In the first W. M.Chinnery, LondonA.C. (10 yards), could neverquite reach T. Collins, City Amateur A. 0. (24 yards), or H. Stevenson, German Gymnastic Society (19 yards), who finished first and second, a foot apart. The second heat fell to Captain Garnier, RoyaEl ngineers (28 yards), beat­ ing C. D. Dunt, S. NorwooAd . C. (17 yards), and others, including C. H.Goulding, German Gymnastic Society (4 yards), who should never have been allowed to run. The third heat produced some splendid running, W. M'Laren