Modern Athletics 1868
REVIEW OF THE ATHLETIC SEASON, 18G7-8. 61 easily, but the latterby a few inclies only from 0. Perce val, Sheffield Football Club. In the local contests, W. Creswick appeared to the best advantage, as the quarter mile handicap and 200yards hurdles fell to him, besides the open "quarter." li. J. 0. Mitchell, Manchester AC., showed promise of the future form he displayed at the champion meeting, by winning the high jump at 5 feet 7| inches, and the pole leaping, at f9eet 9 inches. Trinity CollegDe,ublin, held their sports on May 5 and 6, in the College Park. This meeting is always a most successful andlargely patronized oneb, eing attended by at least twenty thousand people on the present occasion. Both the open events,a 100 yards and quarter oaf mile, fell to A. J. Wilkinson, Amateur A. C., although the finish in each was remarkably close. R. Wright, Trinity College, Dublin, showed good form, and passed the post second in the firstof these events. A. Stoker, as usual, won both walking races, a two miles and seven miles, as he liked. P. W. Smith was first in the mile anda half, but A. S. Gerrard, who finished third therein, reversed the running in the 100 yards hurdle, in which he finished second, W. Murray first,and Smith third. Gerrard was also third inthe half mile and mile, and second in the "quarter" and two miles. A. Graves, who afterwards showed good form at the English Civil Service sports, won the pole jumping and 150 yards hurdles, besides run ning a dead-heat for second place in the quarter mile. W. J. Palkiner proved sprintintgo be his great forte, as he defeated R. Wright bya yard, in the finahl eat of the 100 yards, and wonthe quarter easily. At the CharterhouseSchool sports, on May 6, H. J. Almond distinguished himself by winning the hundred yards, wide jump, quarter mile, and the putting the weight, besides being second in the mile, which C. E. Kepean secured byten yards. The latter was also second in the high and pole jumps and quarter of a mile. A great advantage atthis meetingover school ones generally, is the possession ofa level road, almostas good as a path, to run on. The Boyal MilitarAycademy, Woolwich, held a monster meeting onMay 6; but owing to the enormous crowds of spectators, and total absencoef any telegraph board, little information couldbe obtained as regards theracing. The
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