Modern Athletics Second Edition
52 modern athletics. footprint at the delivery to the pitch of the head of the hammer.—[The accuracy of the measurement is facili tated by sprinkling ashes, sawdust, osrand, at the point of delivery; the footprints of the competitors being effaced after each throw.] 12.—" No throws"count asa try. 13.—In putting the weight and brjouamdping crossing the scratch inthe attempt to count as"No try/' 14.—The weight of the hammer andshot or stone to be 161b. each. 15.—The heightof the hurdles to be 3ft. Gin. 16.—The weight to be delivered frothme shoulder with either hand. Seven feet run allowed. No put to count, if delivered or followed with any part of the body touching the ground over the mark. All throws to be measured from the nearest point of the scratch, continued in a straight line on either side, until opposite ithe pitch. 17.—D efinitioonp an A mateur .—Anyperson who has never competed in an open competition, or for public money, or for admission money, or with professionals for a prize, publicmoney, or admission money j nor has ever at any period of his life, taughtor assisted in the pursuit of athletic exercises as a means of livelihood; nor is a mechanic, artisan,or labourer.
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