Olympian Field Events
78 THE OLY!IIPIAN FIELD EVENT . against pole jumpers in thi ountry is that until quite recently a heavy pole of ash ha b en de rigeur, whereas the athletes f other nation pro ide them lv s ' ith a light pole of bamboo, bound about with medical strap– ping. The ad antages of the bamboo pole are that it is light and saf for, altb ugh th pole may plinter, it can ne r br ak ff, 1 aving a pik , a may th ashen pol , thus ndang ring th athl t 's life by impal m nt. I one aw an a h p 1 nap in thi mann r; th jump r only mi s d the harp p int v h r the break had occurred by in he , and I hav a ed to advo at bamboo vaulting pol sin e. Th n vi in thi at fir t
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