Olympian Field Events
84 THE OLY11fPIAN FIELD EVENTS. P. Kirwan, English long jump champion 1910, 1911, and 1912, did an excellent performance of 47ft. rin. in the Irish A.A.A. hop, tep and jump championship last year. The running hop, step and jump has figur d in the Olympian programme ince the Games were revived at Athens in 1896, and is also a feature at the Athenian celebrati ns. The results, whi h serve to show how the sport has impro ed, are gi en hereund r :- ATHENS, 1896. Connolly (U.S.A.) 45ft. PARIS, 1900. Prinstein (U..A.) - 47ft. 4iin. ST. L UIS, 1904. Prinstein (U..A.) 47ft. Of all th athl tic ATHENIAN CELEBRATION, 1906. O'Connor (Great Britain) 46ft. 2in. LONDON, 1908. Ahearne (Great Britain) 48ft. 1 I tin. r6slb. roin. r6olb. gin. 14olb. 1 olb. IJOlb.
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