Olympian Field Events
l'hotos /q• Sf>olf {llld (,cnua/ a11d I Pf'lutl. 1. L H. G. tafford, Engli h Champion, 1913. "Taking-off." N ot how jump r is just on th potnt of overbalancing when pring is made. 2. Ray Ewry (U .S.A ), holder of World's Record . Leg after being s t ratght ned out as spnn i made are flung up to th back b fore knees are dr wn high up to the front. J. Ewry in th act of landin , shoots out the lel!'s, flings the arms forward and u pr sses th body to pr vent hl self from falling b ck. THE STAN D LQ G JUMP. 'J'tJ /at•t• Jltlf/1 ~i
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