Olympian Field Events

go TilE OLY1l!PIA N FIEI:D EVENTS. the modern Olympiads up to and including 1908. Ewry stood 6ft. Iin ., and at his best weighed about 16olb. C. Tsiclitiras " as a native of ylos, and first came into the game at the early age of seventeen, when he saw Ewry compete at the 1906 Athenian celebration. Modelling his style upon Ewry's methods, he succeeded in running the latter very close at the 1908 Games in both events. Ewry won the standing broad jump at Ioft. I Iiin., with Tsiclitiras second, 1oft. 7 in. At the 1912 Gam s T i litira \ as the winn r in thi ent with a 1 ap of I 1ft. o~in.; he was a b autifully built athlet , tanding 6ft. 3in., and h turn d th al at ju t v r 17olb. All \ h kn w him will gr atly r gr t his d ath at the f t\ nty-f ur. rld' r rd f I 1ft. 6in. tands t the credit and th th r p rform- n t ha y latt Adams, .A., and 10ft. 1 in. by , U .. A. Th r ult at modern are giv n here- und r :– ATHEN , 1896. No Competition. PARI , 1900. Ewry (U.S.A.) 1oft. 6tin. 11ft. 4 7 in. ATHENIAN CELEBRATION, 1906. Ewry (U. .A.) 1oft. lOin. L NDON, 1908. Ewry (U..A.) 10ft. II in. 'TOCKH LM, 1912. T iclitiras (Greece) 1 Ift. Ofin. H u hav taken up the port sue s fully from tim to tim , but und r ordinary conditi n th I ng-1 gged man will s ore every time.