Olympian Field Events

~H TilE OLY1\IPIAN FIELD El ENT . I was absolutely astounded, for the recognised worfa's record is I rft. 6in., and yet l\1r. Walker is very accurate concerning heights and distances in the running high and long jumps; ther for I think l\1r. Walker's stand– ing long jump rs must have b en mythi al, or else have made use of w ights. Th latter assumption is born ut by r f rring to the prof ional r cords, where it i tat d that at th tar l\1 u ic Hall, Liverp ol, on pt mb r rgth, 1 go, J. Darby jumped 14ft. gin. with ' ight , while the same performer, on 1 vel gr und and ':vithout the use of w ights, a compli hed th mar llous 1 ap f 12ft. r!in. on 1ay 2 th in the same year. If the novic do s not at n ucc ed, h n d not d spair. I hav it n v ry g od auth rity that Ray Ewry nev r 1 ar d gft. in his fir t y ar. The standina long jump ann t 1 aid to be so closely allied t th running long jump a i th hop, step and jump, for th first- la s tanding 1 nrr jumper is rar ly f und t b m re than m di r at th running v nt. ntly b en pr ph i d that thi vent i to fr m th pr ramm at futur Olympian am s. If thi is so, it will b a gr at pity, for the tanding 1 ng jump i an v nt f int r t, and al an .' 11 nt t t f b th will and mus ular po\ er and als L\'l\IPI R LE. tandi ng Broad Jump.