Olympian Field Events

96 THE OLl JIPIAN FIE[;D EVENT . the standing high jump at sft. 4 1-5in., and was second in the standing long jump to Tsiclitiras at 11ft. o 2-5in. As regards Ray Ewry, it is sufficient to state that he held the world's record in both events. His record for the standing high jump of sft. s .lin.* was established at Buffalo, U .S.A., on September 7th, 1901. Ewry also holds the Olympic record of sft. s·in. The late C. Tsiclitiras came into the game young, and modelled his style on Ewry, whom he first saw compete at Athens in 1906. From that year until 1908 his improvement was very marked and he did extremely well to tie with Bilber, of the U .S.A. team, for second place at sft. I in. Thereafter he turned all his attention to the standing long jump. At Stockholm last year he was third to the brothers Platt and Ben Adams with the same jump (Sft. Iin.) that he a complished in 1908. The b st standing jumpers we have yet seen are Ewry, Tsiclitiras, and the brothers Adams, and I would ask the reader to study their w ights and heights, which are given in the last chapter, as they demonstrate the fact that the standing high jumper must be tall. Coming nearer horn , on has only to observe such men as L. H. G. tafford, winn r at the Olympic Trials, I o8 (4ft. stin.), and F. 0. I it hing, second, English hampi n hip, 1911 (4ft. sin.), both f whom are well OY r 6ft. in h i ht. The standing high jump wa not incfuded at th first of the m dern Olympiad , but came in in 1900 at Paris, and has b n retained sin e. The results of Olympic omp titions are given here– under:- ATHENS, 1896. No Competition. PARIS, 1900. Ewry (U.S.A.) 5ft. Sin. ST. LOUI , 1904. Ewry (U. .A.) 4ft. I I in. ATHENIA~ CELEBRATION, 1906. Ewry (U.S.A.) 5ft. tj-in. LONDON, 1908. F.wry (U. .A.) 5ft. 2in. STOCKHOLM, 1912. Platt Adams (U..A .) - sft. 4j in. *New "\Vorld's Record, 5ft . 5 in., Goebring, U . '. A .