Olympian Field Events

IIURDLL ?G. IOI from photograph No. 2, which was taken at the Olympic Games, London, 1908, when he was second to Ray Ewry, at sft. rin. The gr at thing is to make up one mind to spring at ju t th ru ial nd, t 1 arn prop r b dy c ntrol, and to u c the arms properly wh n in the air. II reunder is giv n the lympi rul gov rning the tanding high jump competition. T DIN IIr H J .MP. (a) The ompelition shall start with th bar at a height of IJOCm. (b) The feet of th ompetitor may be placed in any position, but shallleav the ground nly once in making an att mpt t jump. \Vhen th fe tar lift d from the ground twic , or tw prina ar made in mahng the att mpt, it hall unt a ne trial jump without r ult. A mp titor ma r k forward and backward, lifting heel and to all rnat ly fr m th gr und, but h may not mor than n lift ith r f t cl ar from the ground, n r m re than slide it along tL ground in any dir ti n. (c) With th ptions, th rul s are similar to those f r the running high jump. NoTE.-In rdinary mp titi n th jumping shall start at such height a th omp titor may de id . PART TI-IREB. IIAPT •R .. II. II RDLT l\IPARED \\ itb ll h .:~p rts a us thr \'ving, hurdling i quit a m nald \Vall? r make n ntion k " British l\Ianly rn inn ati n. f th pa time in ublish d by T.