Olympian Field Events

HURDLING. 103 day nwarcl , 15-l, to IS-t . has b n onsid r d ab ut champi n hip f rm. 220 yard hurdl rac , ov r 2ft. 6in. hurdl was add d t th Am ri an Athleti~ ni n hampi n hip pr gramm 18 7, and has al- way r mained a p pular f atur . It would a pp ar that the I ro m tr r I 20 yards high hurdle rac is p pular all r th v rld, and the 400 m tres or 440 yard rac ar p pular 111 Ameri a, th loni , and n the ontin nt, but hurdl ra i pr tty \\' 11 confin d to th At hurdlina th Am ri an th m 1 , n n by the tabl I ro. IetresHurdle Curtis (U. ·.A.) 200 400 ATHENIAN ELEBRATION, xqo6. I nsec. LeaYitt (U... A.) 16 ~ cc. ARI , 1900. LO .... D >r, 1908. TIO.Ietrcsiiurdle I,..raenzlein\U.S.A.) 15" ec. mithson (U.. A.) 15 sec. 20 .., ~ Ol -.) 5 " Tewkc::.bury ,• Si~ , Bacon 55 " t. LOUI., 1904. STOCKIIOL~ I, IC)I2. xooMetres Uurdk Slh•tlc (U.S.A) 16 sec. Kelly ( .S.A.) JSllU CC, 200 Ihllman " 24~ " IOO " 53 " th r fi ld Am ri an' · a u unlly tak