Olympian Field Events

ro6 TilE OLY ;.\lPIAV FIELD EFENTS. As the body of the straight-! gger does not have to rise so high in th air as that of the man hurdling bent– legg d, it mu t be bvious that th former gain a bit n the latt r at ach hurdle, given that ea h man's pow rs of printing ar qual, and even an inch makes all the difference in a hard-f ugbt fini h, as most of us know. Before dealing xhausth·ely with the traight-leg m thod for th instru tion of the b ginner, I sh uld lik t p ak, bri fly, f one or two di ciple of the tyle whose name are hou hold \\'Ord , and \ h se appr Yal f th meth d hould b uffi i nt recomm nda– tion t the no ic . Fir t, ther is the fam u old Blu , A. . ~I. r m , a fli r ind d and one who in hi day w n handicap in 17 2-S s . wina IS yards. .'t we hav . I ra nzl in at on tim h ld r f thew rld' f IS I-S K1a nzl in wa a '' trai ht leg v r hi and ning until rf':tll y fr ely.