Olympian Field Events

108 THE OLYAIPIAN FIELD EVENT . These exercises will, of ourse, be carried out during the period of training, and in connection with the other work. It i inadvisabl t k ep th b ginn r t o long on pr liminary xer ises, and away from the hurdles, f r it is only natural that he should want to g t to the real business in hand as so n as po sible, but one thing I '''otdd mo t arne tly a k of all hurdler , ·whether it b the n vi who ome ntirely n ' t th gam , or th lcl tager f many umm r g ing out t open up the eason' work- do, for your wn ak , go to the tra k and g t the legs thoroughly harden d up by printing b fore att mpting to fly a single hurdle. one rning the track work, all starts shoufd. be made from th r uching position; th start sh uld be prac– tised continually. Not nly d a good start mak a lot of diff rence in the ultimate result, but th mov~m nts gon through in tarting mat rially h lp to build up the muscl . u ed in flying the hurdl . Th m th d f starting is as follo,,s: Go to your mark on th track and pla th fo t with which you take th fir t hurdle a f w in hes behind th s rat h– lin ; th n ome down with th oth r kn r sti n up n th tra k . i\s uming th 1 ft f t is in fr nt the right should b about lev 1 with th ankl f the left Th p f th f t hould be mark d and f