Olympian Field Events
112 TilE OLY1 IPIAN FIELD ET ENT . without f ar f a very sharp and painful rap on a pr minent bone. o much d pends upon n t "hanging" in the air wh n c ntrali ed ov r the hurdl that one cannot to reatly mpha i e h w imp rtant it is to throw the body f rward over th leg t f rce it to gr und on the other id e. Now a t training. Wh n the novic ha got ov r the pr liminary work and b rrin to f el hi f t a bit, he will want om sort f a r gular chedule to work to. The foil wing suggestion will be found u ful, but it mu l be r m mb red that it i nly a sugg ti n, and ma b vari d to meet the athl te's O\ n peculiaritie and r quir m Ionday.- flat. Tuesday .-PI Thur day. •riday.- ral hort dash v r thr hurdles. hundr d and fifty yard sprint, run·· ning full pa la t fifty yards. winninrr-p e. r three yard bur t at full sp d. hurdl s. r tw hurdl s. t m dium pace. print. v r tw hurdl . a in a ra , to r ak at to enter f r a competiti n do o.
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