Olympian Field Events

116 TilE OLl'JIPIAN FIELD EVENTS. the front, o that the athlete will not land on the side f th foot; also the leg mu t b straighter.ed out as the hurdler comes down. Th arm are u ed throughout the mo,·cm nt to control and balance the body. \Vith the lm hurdle it is not so important for the hurcll r to brin his body down to meet the ri . ino· 1 g although, f ours , it i an aid in bringing th\;; athl t quickly t arth upon the other side t do o. J:.·ccllent f rm is hown in ph t graph No. 2, whi h is f . J. Ba on, U. .A., winner at the 190 lympian Games. The athl t in training f r the low hurdle e ents ·hould alwa s r mcmb r to train on the track at gr ater di tan than h "ill b call d upon to I in mpetttl n, to ompen at for the xtra n rgy he ' ill be call d upon t xpend in taking hi hurdle . Anoth r ry good plan is t practise at th xa t distan , but t nly set up th fir t two or tl1re hurd1 , thouo-h of ur , th full di tan with all th hurd1 s shvuld b run through It ,·ill b the 22 stri r cl ' n ug-– sev n than t and