Olympian Field Events

II8 TilE OLY1 IPIA N FIEI D ET ENT . In th 220 yard · hurdl ra c, 10 hurdl shall b used; each hurdl t b 2ft. 6in. high l ft. hurdl s are u eel in England, A TI·IOR]. Th y hall b plac d 2 yards apart; with the fir t hurdl 20 yard di tant from the tarting mark and the la t hurdl 20 yards before the finishing line. In hurdle races of ther distance , and with a diff rent number of hurdl , the hurdl s hall be plac d at equal intervals, with th am pac b t\ n the first hurdle and the starting point, and th la t hurdl and the finish– ing lin , a b tv n ach f the hurdl In making a r p titor to jump over ery hurdle in it and no r cord hall be hurdl s remain tandi ng aft r th omp A c mp tit r kn king d wn thr e or any p rti n f thr e or mor hurdl be di ualified. 1 g r foot along ide any r b ar full piril f hurdl ra inrr. English A.A.A. Recommendations for 300 yards and 440 yards level hurdle races on grass. In 300 yards races. (1) N r ord an b made n any tra k that does not omply with the f llov ing nditi ns :- (2) Th r hall b 10 flight f hurdl s in ea h dis- tan e. ( ) hurdl u p hi \\' 11 flight f b 3ft. ut f th gr und, with . traight t p bar .