Olympian Field Events
TUG-OF- Tl'.lR. (4) Ea ·h tra k f hurdl s mu t b mea ur d the corr t and full di tan t th' \\inning p ·t. Th fir t hurdl ·hall be 45 yard fr m each rat h mark, and th r maining hurdl s ar a p s ible 25 yard apart. Th di - tan e from th la t hurdl t th winning post shall be 30 yards. In 440 1 ards Race. (6) The fir t bur 11 hall b pia d so yards fr m th mp titor' · rat h mark, and th r maining hurdl s shall be a n arly a pos ible 40 yard apart; and th distan e from th last hurdl to the winning post shall be o yard . b (7) The la t 75 yard , if pos ibl , hould be straight. r on. 1_ mpi in mall
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