Olympian Field Events

120 TilE OLY!IIPIAN FIELD EVENTS. in the first of the modern Olympic1ds, being xclud d from the programmes at th n , I g6. It was fir t included at Pari , 1904, in 'V hi h y ar the America..s proved the winn r throucrh th Iih aukee A. ., who pull d as a team r pre enting Ameri a. Results at Olympian games ar as follows :- ATHEN ·~ 1896. No Competition PARI , 1900. United States ST. LOUI I 1904. .Milwaukee A.C. (U..A.) ATHENIAN CELEBKATIO. 1 1906. Germany LONDON, 1908. City Police A.C. (Great Btitain) ST CKHOLM, 1912. Sweden