Olympian Field Events
124 · TI-lE OLYlviPIAN FIELD EVENTS. An ther reason for the laying-oad: po ition being adopted i that the near r the team are to the per– pendi ular po ition the great r is the lik lihood of the men rumpling up by b nding the bodies forward from the wai t. Fr m th very beginning the m n must be taurrht to holl w th ba ks, for the gr atest danger a c a h ha to guard a ainst is that the t am will " bend," r, in th r \ rds, th men will let the sh ulders come f rward and the hips g back, thus doubling up the b dy at th waist. This sometimes happens towards the end f a v ry str nuous pull, for all the heaviest part f th w rk fall up n the mu des at the mall of the ba k. If a team does so bend, ''it i all over bar th houting," f r th y will nev r be allowed to recover th ir orr et positi n again. Th r f r , a t am should be gi en the e.yercises d crib d in Li ut. 1ull r' book " l\1y y tern," as th giv n th r in are especially d signed for m nt th rop . th or t f mu cle whi h surrounds the "Th Turn " whi h, alth u h n t allow d lympiad h ld at t kh lm, forms a by f th art. id a that
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