Olympian Field Events
HAMMER THROWING. 21 as soon as p ise and balance are acquired, the novice is on the high road to sue Perhaps the gr at st e ret in the game is to keep • 11 the mo ements perf ctly smo th and accurately timed, for if there is the least jumpin ss the rhythm will be destroyed and the throw but a p or one. As this is a strong man's event, and only likely to be undertaken by th se f exc pti nally g d physique, the best advice as to training is to throw and keep on throwing; this for the novice, until he has work d up t , say, I 15ft., after whi h h may take things rather more •asily and suit his training t his r quir m nts, but until the art is thor ughly mast r d the beginner cannot g t to much practice. As to xerci e , th se r c mmend d t thrower may w 11 be u d by th hamm r thr w r; a] , the hamm r thr w r's att nti n hould b giv n t the d velopm nt f ba k, abdominal and 1 g mus I s. The id a that th arms play an imp rtant part is quite u ; a a matt r f fact, th y are m r ly an Ion– the hamm r handl conn cting it with the
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