Olympian Field Events
HAMMER THROTrVI G. mind abs lut ly free to cone ntrate his thoughts upon the throwing . The athl t taking up thi vent hould provid him– s lf with a good trong pair f hurdling or jumping sh , ' ith a mall h l pi ha ing in it on or tw l ng spikes; the le f th ho s will, of course, have spikes in th usual way. ummarising bri fly the chi f p int to be r - member d, th y ar as f 11 w :- I. I p th arms straight fr m the first turn of the b dy till th hamm r 1 av s the hand . 2 . Always k p th body turning in advance of th hammer. 3· Open up th sh uld rs and 1 t the hand pass a far b hind th h ad as pos ible in th pr lirninary wing . 4· Th c nd turn must b fast r than th first, and th - third turn fa l r than th s nd. 5· All m must be p rf ctly mooth and firmly w r mu t acquir in hi own pow r . I suit at 1 d rn lympiad f 11 w :- ATHE.... S, 189 . ST. LOUIS, 1904. •lanagan I 8ft, Iin PARIS, 1 oo. LOND N, 1908. Flanagan (U. .A.) • 167ft. 4in. lanagan (U. .A.) · I 70ft, 4iin STOCKHOLM, 1912. 179ft. 7 1 1 in. Th full g rning hamm r throwing are gi
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