Olympian Field Events

~4 TilE 0LYJ11PIA1 FIELD EVENTS. The length of the complete impl m nt shall not be more than four feet, and its w ight not less than sixte n pounds. The comp titor may assum any position he choos s, and use either ne r both hand . All thr ws shall b mad fr m a circle sev n fe t in diameter, the circle to be a m tal r wooden ring, paint d or whit wash d, and unk almost flush with th ground. A fair throw shall be wh r no part of the p r on of LI GI ircl r the ground utside H PT ~R Ill. hammer in an hall b from the f th hamm r n a line fr m f d ision hall be TilE 56LB. \V IGHT. n f th rigin, and w uld an i nt gam f