Olympian Field Events

SLINGING THE 56LB. WEIGHT. 27 on the left leg, th throwing w ight hanging from the hands at the right side at the outside of and slightly b hind the right knee. To work up to the whirl around th h ad the weight is now swung b tween the leg , back to the right, acr s the body outside the left knee, then right back again to the fir t po iti n w 11 b hind the ri 0 ht side. With arms outstretched to the fullest extent the athlete wing the weight up and ov r the h ad, as he does so contracting th muscl s of th back and swaying th body slightly from the hip ; that is to say, the b dy sways backwards while the weight is in front and forward a the hands pa b hind the h ad; m anwhil the f t ar kept firmly planted, the knees bend a very little as th w ight pas ba k over th h ad. The movement i again repeated, but this time qui k r and with consid rably more fore . Th b ginn r will d well to b ar in mind th fact that th nd wing i alway fa t r than th first. It is the great st p s ibl folly for th athl te t whirl th weight around hi head \ ith all hi f r th first tim , f r by doing th p i e of th wh 1 figure is disturb d, th rhythm f m m nt i br k n, and it will b f und when the turning ommences the ' eight is trav lling ah ad of the body. vVh n th s cond wing is b ing mpl t d, and as the w ight omes round and down behind the right sid , th athl te ommen s to turn by twi tin th body ar und upon th ball of the left f t, winging th right f tar und to th p sition "R" in Fi . 2. Pra ti ally imultane u ly th 1 ft f ot arriv s on " L." Th turn– ing r und sh uld b carried out in such a way that the ri ht foot arri s at its n w position b f r th 1 ft ne 1 aves the ntre upon which th b dy has turned; in thi way the thrower do s not ven f r the m rest fra tion of as c nd lose hi purchase up n th ground. Having arriv d at Fig. 2, the athlete arri ut an exactly similar m v m nt t that ju t d s rib d, but without the light st br ak r pau b tw en th tw , and it may