Olympian Field Events
28 TilE OLYl\tiPIAN FIELD EVENTS. here be as well to state that the movement from start to finish must be absolutely continuous. The second turn will bring him to Fig. 3, and this is the critical point; a th athlete wish around for the last time, the weight i brought up and hurled away over the left should r with a trern ndous heave, the strai htness of the arm throughout the turns materially adding to the dis– tance. The athl te should corn well up on the toes when h aving the weight away, giving it good elevation a it fli , and must learn to s t his muscles again aft r the fracti nal r laxati n th r has be n as the w ight 1 av the hands. This r s tting of the muscles enables the throw r t tay within th ring, thus preventin him from fouling. This final heave is made when the thr wer' a k is to the front f the circle, but the mom ntum f th turn will arry him round to fac the directi n in which the weight i flying. P int to b r m mb red ar : Th c nd turn h uld ah ays b fa ter than th first. In commencing the swing pr paratory to whirling the weight ab ut th head, always et it well b hind the right thigh bef re the h av up. Let the hand pa s w 11 b hind the head to increase the radius f the circle. In thi ~ ay th gr atest mom ntum is imparted t the spinnin w ight \ ith the 1 ast utput f n rgy; f r the am r a on the arms should be out tr tch d t th full t extent in making t in turning round f the ground as than in 1 aping
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