Olympian Field Events

SLINGING THE 56LB. TrVEIGHT. 29 Above all I t each and every movement fit into the next with perfect smoothness and rhythm. In training for this event it must be borne in mind that sheer weight and strength are more the governing factors than skill. The athlete must therefore turn his attention to putting on weight and developing muscle. A great amount of pra tice is necessary, but it should be done with the 35lb. weight, or if su h a weight is not available, much useful work may be done with the 16lb. hammer. The ffort of throwing is a tremend us train on the muscl s of the back and abdom n, th r fore work with the "56" should be distinctly limit d; four or five thr v a day ar ampl . Th h s h uld b st ut v ith i. · g d tr ng spik fix d in each s 1 and t' o in a h h 1. ummari ing the things to b I arnt in their proper qu n e, the novice must first I arn t wing th w ight about the h ad, next h mu t 1 arn th turn , practi in t a quire gr at rapidity; the it m f 11 wing this is to g t the w ight away from the hand in g d styl with a tremend us h ave; finally, he must I arn to stay within the circle. PI nty of walking exercis should b taken, and the exerci s pre ribed f r th hamm r and jav lin throwers may b used. Fo d should be s m what ar fully lected; go d plain joints v ith pi nty f gr n v g tal I s, and d fre h fruit ar · llent. Eggs lightly boil d r fish ar a g d taple dish f r br akfast. It is alway b tt r t whi h 1 ad t hili u n v r f d, ur, pr du in a h rribl f ling f la itud . The use of b th al h 1 and t ba stri tl limited. Most heavy m n ar f traininrr, \ ith th i nclin d t run t fat wh n ut n qu n that th y uff r