Olympian Field Events
PUTTING THE I6LB. SHOT. 45 main contributing fa t rs should ha been speed in rossing the circl , a powerful 1 g drive, quick rever f llowing upon th glide without th slight t break or pau , and finally a mighty h ave of the hould r. vVh n th no ice bee mes mor or 1 ss profici nt in th foregoing, he will b gin to find that h has still got a tr m ndou 1 l to 1 arn b th a t " mu le contr 1 " and p rf t m thn of a urately tim d and n– e rted movem nt. An th r important p int i t acquire perfect balanc both at the ba k of the circl and also at the toe-board when the " put " i mpl l d. I have oft n h ard it said that th se r t of D nni
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