Olympian Field Events

-- __ ....... -- 46 THE OLYA!PIAN FIELD EVENTS. The rules governing the shot putting are given here– under. CJ08 FIG I FIC 11 FIG Ill Diagrams illustrating Putting the 16lb. Shot. AMERICAN RULE. The hot. hall be a m tal sph re, and the w ight for hampi n hip cont t shall be 16lb. It i optional v ith th Gam Commilt e of handi ap me tin t ffer mp titi ns f ·h ts w ighin from 12lb. up' ard . Th h t hall b '' put'' \ ith one hand, and in making th att mpt it shall be ab ve and not b hind the shoulder. All puts The cir I to b hall b tak n at th by the fall of the shot