Olympian Field Events
- -----=- 48 TilE OLYP.1PIAN FIELD EVENT . There ar all sorts of legends as to the wonderful per– formances done by th h roes of old; notable among these, and in identally the earliest of th 1 gends in which leap– ing is m nti n d, are th two 1 ap of uchalain, "the Irish II r ul . " The fir t, wh n he wished to cro s the "Bridge of L ap " to th land f hadows, tak s rath r th f rm of a hop, st p, and jump, for if he who wish d to r did not land fairly int the middle of th bridg with hi first leap, r pau ed an in tant b fore makina his nd pring, th half f th bridg rose up and flung him back to th bank from which he had taken off. Thr, tim man, m m r be found thr ugh-
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