Olympian Field Events

PREFACE. 3 In athl tics, at any rate, that it is our methods and not th m n who are wr ng is clearly videnced by the fact that numbers f the greatest expon nts of field events in th United tates of America are cotchmen and Irish– m n who have migrated across the Atlantic. In my opini n, the xcell nee f th performances done by Am ricans, wed , Finns and G rman , is du to the car fui att nti n th y pay to tyi and meth d, and the n urag m nt giv n by the sp tat rs, who are k pt int r st d by b ing nstantly inform d as to what is taking pia e. A regard th tim o cupi d in arrying out th e event , a ufficient argum nt to refute the statement that they tak too 1 ng i that th s v nt are h Id in the fi Id and can ther f re (quit apart fr m wh th r fi Id f th f r n t taking up th f r aith ugh a man wh t