Olympian Field Events

54 TilE OLY11IPJA1 FIELD EVENTS. which the jump r, taking ff from the right foot, throws th right let:> over first, and vice v rsa. This is the meth d in common u e through ut th United tat s. (2) vVhat may be ~tyled " Port r' method," as I beli ve II. F. Port r, winn r at the I Olympian Gam , \Ya the inv ntor of it, in \ hi h th athl te, taking off from the right foot, throws th 1 ft le · over fir t, or Vlce versa. If we tak th se styl separat ly, in (I) th method is as follows, a uming that the athlete tak ff from the right foot: The jumper, having measured off his run-up to g et his take-off ac urately placed, a matter of the utmo t importan e, approache the bar dir ctly from th fr nt and br ak hi tride id way t the right t he approach b mad. jumpin is r the bar, and left arm out t