Olympian Field Events
4 PREFACE. mu t at n e be tak n lo nsure that more competitions are i nsti tu ted. Throughout the book the r suits f Olympic comp ti– ti ns, t g th r with World' and lyrnpian re rd , ar given to emphasise Gr at Britain's position in r lation to the other nations. The Olympic rule g verning cornp titi ns are used through ut wh re possible. In many ea s the photographs u ed ar of the Olym– pic hampions or world's rec rd hold r , but in th ea e of the jav lin, dis us and 56lb. w ight, great diffi ulty ha b n xp rienced in g tting any ph t at all. I h uld like to tak thi pp rtunity f thanking 1r. . Abrahams, . U. . ., f r th v ry valuabl inf r– mation he has gi en me cone rning th hop, st p and jump. u IIighways, ' llarp enden, July, 1913. F. A. M. WEBSTER.
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