Olympian Field Events
62 THE OLY!IIPIAN FIELD EVENTS. High jumping rul s are given h r under: - (a) The judg shall decide the h ight f the bar, and the bar shall b raised as the judg may d cide. Thr e jumps are allowed at each height, and a failur at the third attempt hall di qualify. (b) A ompetit r may commenc at any h ight abov the minimum h ight. II mu t, h wev r, jump at cv ry followincr h ight until (ac rding to a) h has forf ited his right to comp te further. (c) A wo d n bar will be u d forth ro pie . (d) ither diving nor omer aulting ov r the bar shall be permitted. (e) s on a a ompetitor ha mad a pring in ord r to jump this will b unt d a a trial jump. If the com– p titor pa und r the bar ' ith ut having made an attempt, thi will n t be c unted a a jump, but three runs will b count d a a full trial. (f) 11 measur ments shall b mad p rpendicularly from the ground to the upp r ide of th bar wh re it is lowest. (g) If tw r thr e comp titors ti at a jump, their order shall b d id d by r -jumping. (h) All empl ym nt of w i ht i forbidd n. I APT ~R VII. TilE RUNNI G L G ]Ul\1P. THE running 1 ng jump i an th r port to whi h th Irish peopl s m p uliarly adapt d. The w rid's record of 24ft. I I~in. ha b n h Id by an Iri hman inr August sth, 19 r, and y t it i by a V ry little margin that the r rd tand for at th Olympt rame of 1912, h ld at t kh lm, an Am ri an I ar d 24ft. r It in. But wh r as the Iri h p pl are naturally adapted to the
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