Olympian Field Events

/'/rtl/11 I '> /'01 1""" (,tJIUIIi 1. C. D. Br1cker (Canad l. Rising from the bo rd nd allo~A<Ing tak off leg to dr.1g befor ll 1· . lowly drawn up. Note po ·n1on of right foot< fter th ankllng rnovem nt usccl m putt1 ng h el down first, nd gettmg final ri e from toes. :z. F . C. Iron . ( U .A), Olympic Ch mpion rgo8. Almo ·t t the top ofth nse , I g dr wn up w1th body and arm fon. dwell forw rd . TH R UNNING LON G JUMP. 'l'o~ Inn JHIJI' ;~.