Olympic Cavalcade

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Baron Pierre de Couber~in, founder of the Modern Olympiads Frontispiece The earliest International Match, 1877. England Y. Ireland Great Irish and American athletes of the earlies Spiridon Loues, winner of the 1896 Marathon Race First U.S.A. Olympic representatives, f9oo Between pages 16-17 r6-r7 3 2 -33 p-JJ Ray Ewry winning the~Standing Long Jump and th~ Standing High Jump. Paris, 1900 - British team, led by Lord Desborough, Athel)s, 1906 G. Aliprantes, Gr~ece, winning the Gymnastic Rope Climb. Athens, 1906 Start of the 400 metres. Athens, 1906 Start of the 8oo metres. .Athens, T9o6 _The Rt. Hon. W. H. Grenfell, M.P. (later Lord Desbo rough), President of the British Olympic Association _ Rev. R. S. de Courcy Laffan 3 Hon. Sec. of the_British Olympic Association H.R.H. Prince Edward of Wales shaking ha_nds wifh Lord Desborough. Lond~n, I908 -~ - Tug-of-War Final. City -of Eondo~ Police Y. Li.v_erpool Police. Londo~, 1908 H. F. Porter, U.S.A., winning the High Jump at-6ft. 3 in., London, 1908 Olympic Prize Medals, 1908 Permanent Olympic Commemoration Medals _ Vt~ Olympiad, Stockholm, 1912, opened by, H.M. the King of Syeden l{annes Koleb~ainen, hero of i:he V:th Olympiad· - ~ A. N. s·. Jackson, C.M.G., D.S-.0., win~ing the ~5oo metre~. Stockholm, 1912 . I3r!tish Mi!rathon team pra ctising over the.course near Valhalla, Vagan, Sweden C. Tsicilitiras, Greece, t.aking the Standing Jump. Stockholm, 19f2 Bo Ekelund, watched by Ernie ~jertberg, t~e great Swedish-Ameriearf ~oach B. Howar? Baker, 0 Gre~t Britaip.'s greatest -all-round athlete. ~etwe~n 1912 and r920 : ~ · - - - Dick LanElon, 1:J.S.A., with a jump of 6ft. 4t in. Antwerp, !920 w-. Petters..sen (Bjorneman), Sweden, ~ho won t !Ie iong Jump; Arli:werp, - 1920. H. F. V. Edward ,West Indies, winning his third British title_::in one afternoon. Antwerp, -1920 _The Olympic Oach a! !he-.1924 _Olympiad, Paris _. - H.R.H: the Prince of Wales talking to President Doumergue at t1re opening -of the 1924 Games~ - :_: _ '"=' -. "- - H.R.H. the Prince ofWales paying tribute at the grave of the Unknown Warr-ior. -Paris, 1924. - - 6 3 2 -3~ 3 2 -3~ 3 2 -33 48-49 48-49 48-49 48-49 48-49 64- 65 64-65 64-65 64-66 64-~5 b4-65 8o-8I "' 8o-81 8o-81 ~