Olympic Cavalcade

OLYMPIC CAVALCADE The Clay Bird contests were decided in boisterous weather at the Uxendon Shooting Club School em 8-11 July, and did much to restore flagging interest in what had once been ~a gopular pastime. V/. H. Ewing, ~ _canada, made no fewer than 72 kills out of a possible 8o in the Individual competition. On the opening day of the Tearp shooting the UniteCI Kingdom set up a considerable lead over Canada, hut so well did the Canadians shoot subsequently that in the end _the U.K. were victorious only by 2 points. Incidentally, Alec Maunder, U.K., killed 83 out of a total of 105 bi~ds, and Ewing, Canacla, killed 81. The United Kingdom's 'B' Team beat Holland for the Bronze Medals. WRESTLING took pface under the rules of the Amateur Wrestling Association in the Stadium arena. There were five competitions in the Catch– as-Catch-Can style, which was the more~ familiar to the United Kingdom wrestlers, and fopr in the Greco-Roman Style. In the first-nam~d style there - was a terrific struggle for supremacy between U.K. ~and U.S:A. America led off w1th wins in the Bantam- and feather-weights, but the U.K. replied by winning the Light-, Middle- and Heav-y-weights. The English-speaking nations, however, had nothing tQ show in the Greco-Roman, which style ~ was, at that time, mainly confined to- the -Continent. The winners hailed from Italy,- Hungary, Sweden an4 Finland. The Finn got the greatest - ovations when, the success ofhis country was announced. - - ~ YACHTINQ~ Under the Rules of the Yacht Racing Association a Regatta -was carried through with headquarters at Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, during the first half of the last week in_Ju1y. There were classes for yachts of 12, 8 and 7 metres. The United Kingdom was supremejn the phase of Yacliting; and gainecl premier honours in the first two places both in the 12 metres and 8 metres -dasses, and Heroine, U.K., sailed_over in the 7 metres class. Dormy, U.K., won-also the 6 metre_s da~s, outsailing Zut, Belgium; Guyoni, France; and Sibindi, U.K. The races for the 12 metres class were sailed on tlie Clyde, that being the centre .for that class of yacht, on· I 1 and 12 August. Only t:wo yachts ~ompeted, and both were British, T. C. <;?-len Coats's Hera winning. - Athletics: Mm: 100 Metres 290 Metres · 400 Metres 8oqMetr:es 1500 Metres 5Miles WINNERS AT THE ·OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON, 1908. R. E. Walker (S. Africa) 10·8 s. R. Kerr (Canada) 22·4 s. W. Halswell (G.B.) 5o·o s. 3200 Metres Ste~plechase M. W. Sheppard (U.S.A.) I m. p·8 s. f\1. W. Sheppard (U.S.A.) 4 m~ 3"4 s. E. R. Voight (G.B.) 25 m. ~II·2 s. A.~ Russell (G.B.) 12m. 47"8 s.