Olympic Cavalcade

LONDON, 1908 (CONTINUED) Winners at the Olympic ·Games, London, ~908-contd. Athletics: Men:-contd. 3 Miles Team 3500 Metres Walk xo Miles Walk Marathon IIo Metres Hurdles 400 Metres Hurdles 1600 Metres Relay (2oo, 200, 400, 8oo Metres) High Jump Standing High Jump Long Jump _ Standing Long Jump Hop, Step and Jump _ Pole Vault Throwing the Javelin - - Throwing the Javelin (Free style) Throwing the Discus Threwing the Dis_cus (Greek style) Putting the Shot - - Throwing the Hammer - "' Boxing: Bantam-weight Feather-weight Light-weiD"ht Middle-wcight Heavy-weight Cycling: Great Britain, 6 points. G. E. Lamer (G.B.) 14 m. 55·0 s. G. E. Lamer (G.B.) I h. 15 m. 5T4 s. J. J. Hayes (U.S.A.) 2 h. 55 m. 18·4 s. F. C. Smithson (U.S.A.) I.fO s. C. J. Baw11- (U.S.A.) 55·o s. U.S.A. 3 m. 2T2 s. _ H. F. Porter (lJ.S.A.) 6ft. 3 ins. R. C. Ewry (U.S.A.) 5 ft. 2 ins. F. C. Irons (U:S.A.) 24ft. 6-i ins. R. C. Ewry (U.S.A.) LOft. ut ins. T. J. Ahearne (G.B.) 48ft. ut in. { A. C. Gilbert (U.S.A.) 12ft. 2. in. E. T. Cooke (U.S.A.) 12ft. 2 m. E. V. Lemming (Sweden) 179 ft. 10! in. E. V. Lemming (Sweden) 178 ft. 7! in. M: J. Sheridan (U.S,_A:) 134ft. 2 in. M. J. Sheridan (U.S.A.) ·124ft. 8 in. '"'R. W. Rose (U.S,A.) 46ft. 7! in. J. J. Flanagan.(U.S;A.) 170ft. 4! in. ~ H. Thomas (G;B.). ~ R. K. Gunn (G.B.). f.:. Grace (G.B.). · J. W. H.-T. Douglas (~~B.). A. L. Glaham (G.B.). - 'Declared void. Iooo Metres Scratch ' 2000 Metres Tandem 4000 Metres Pursuit - 6o3·4 Metres M: Scliiiles and A. Auffray (France): - _ ·Great Britain. c -- - ~ 5ooo Metres . 2o Kilometres Fencing: Epee-Individual Epee-Team– Sabre-Individual Sabre-Team Football: Gymna~tics: Individual. Team Y. L. Johnson (G.B.). ·R· Jones (G.Jl.).-_ ~ C. B. King~bury· (G;B.).