Olympic Cavalcade

FIFTH OLYMPIAD; STOCKHOLII!, SW3 ?EN, 1912 91 Hardwick, 2-mins. 31·2 secs.). The American team was D1:1ke Kahanamo!m, Hebner, McGillivray and Huszagh. This Gala forecast that Australia and Japan were alread¥ becoming swimming forces to be reckoned with at future Olympiads and that Hun– gary would be no negligible force. Hebner, U.S.A., took the Backstroke; Bathe, Germany, the 200 metres _Breast Stroke; while G. R. Hodgson, Canada, captured both the-400_ ~f).d I 500 metres Free Style races, but the Springboard Diving "'o/ent t9 P. Guntl}er, Ger-many, and Great Britain won the Water Polo match by beati~g Belgium 7-5 a(t-er an extra period follow- ing upon a tie of 4-4. - _ _ Australia and Great Britain ?howed up well in the swin11J?:ing for women, - introduced that year._In the Ioo m~tres FreeStyle, Fanny _Durack, Australia, returning I min. 22'2. secs., beat her compatdot~_:Wilhelmina.o:Wylie, and Jenny_ FletcheJ;, Great Britain, the Australian winn~r leading from start tG finisH; but Miss Fletcher was hard put JO it- to beat pff a strong':'s:;hallenge from Grete Rosenberg, Germany, for 3rd place. Great Britain,:1 epresenteel -by– Bella Moore, Jenny' Fletcher,· Annie Speits arrd Irene -'St~er, · won. tlie Team race in 5 mins. p·8 secs. foc 8oo _metres -from Germany, 6 mins. 4·6 secs. _ = · Plain High· Diving for ladie_s_was won-bj .Greta Johansson, Sweden, from I;isa Regne_ll of the same country, Isabelfe White, G.B., be~ng' 3rd; all the other places up to' the 8th-Jv"ere taken 15y Swedish girls. One of the amazing features~ of the V tl}__ Qlympiad was the astounding efficitmcy of the arrangements whiCh were mag-e to '""convert, in the space of a single night, the Stadium, with its jumping pits, thrpwing ci~Gles and gym-""' nastic appar_atus; into a show ring for the equestrian part o( t:Qe programme. This irrvolved the ere~tion of hedges and dyke§,-a fence and a ·Clyke, r~ilway gates, triple bars, _a Eirch wall, a country road and sundry fences, fj.ow~r beds, hedges and a flower garden, -yet the whole conversion was, in point of faGt, carried out b .. etween the completion q_£the _athletic events upon one - day and the commencement of the horse show ~upon the next. " •. ~ Tb.e- equestrian .prQgramme· included The Military (with- 5 sections _of-- both -team and individual events); -Prize Ridifig,. comErisin&?n_Individual _ competitiGn and two Prize Jumping events, Gne of therri 4eam and !_he.,. other Individual. - · - T~e- seven n~tiohs wbich tOGK parL in Th~ Military ~r[Denm""ark, "' Germany anCl Swedep..;: with full teams; ,A.metica_arid Fran~, with onlx on~ reserve; Belgium and Great Britain, >yhoeach ent~red the mirumum of fo~r representatives. The distance ancf the cross-cemritry riding events starte9 and finished on the grounds of the Field Riding Club. The course "was 55 ki}ometres (about ~3 miles). Alkc.ompetitor~rwere takeno ver the course _ and had the cr6ss-eountry ride" explained to them by Major Baron Gl. Cederstr0m.-Unforrunately, three riders misse"d: the way and ili:ereby~s~cri- _ ficed their right to furtHer partiGipatjon in tJ:iS ~emnetition. For the actual_ "'