Olympic Cavalcade

FIFTH OLYMP1~D, __STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, -15112 - 95 noted repeatedly, when-wateliing the top class ofFinnish:,_Swedish anct Hun– garian javelin throwers, how, when thrown. in their m~nn~r~ ihe .spear, when having co.r:_n.pleted mof~ than half its flig~t, jih~s::_suddenly to a higher plane, flying almost flat and ·perfectly.smoothly-_]Jntil thfi5_steel head begins_ to descend to earth. This circumstance e~rtai!].ly addsJength to the dis_!:ance - to which a javelin can pe' throwp.. Nol unnaturally, the Swede;d,e>srto the - Americans,- for it is n<:>_t Rbssible to learn to play oaseball th6r<:>uglily ·in a couple of sea~ons.· The lads from Ves_tras hfl.g never before ~een a g~me playecl -__ by experienced players, but games and sport can go en ·tmtil 10 _p.m. in the -- light evenings of the.:,Nerthlarid, so that exhibition;brought Jo tge Sweaes ""' and their neighbours .a very welcome_ new~EasJim~ which has sinci.grown- - greatly in popularity. .., _;:; _. - - _ , ~ _ The same can be said, :Out in a "greater .degree, of the introduqtion of Association Football as -a·match eve11t -in what -it was ilien hoped would . form the n9rmal p'!'o_gramme cl the Games in fu~re. Jigr the eontrol-of O-lympic; Football the_f!.lles w~re <;tclopted qf the Fecleradon Intern~tionale cle-Football Association_.. · ., __ -~ - _~ In connection with ·the- entries; the Fed~t:ation had _pointed out 'in , I,9If that "Although rules for the Football Competjfions at the Olympic. Games of £tG>ckholm in I9I2 permit ~very nation· affiliated to the Federation I.F.A.. ~to sencl four teams the Federation ce>nsiders it most suitable tqat,each nation should send ~nly· one.': - As is to oe done in COU!1ection-With th:e) CIVtH-Olympiad G!t Wembley this yea_r, the preliminary _rouncfs oL the Football Ga1a were -allotte9 tO subsidi~y gt~ninQ.s· and dubs, -witli the. Final in _ ilie 'Olympic StadiUm, – otherW-ise it W'eulcl ha~e been, a11d would be ~e>r I 948, iiJlpossible -t0- get -~ through all the matches i!f the prescribed space of-time. 11]: order to put the : grounds at_ ~asunda ~nd Tr9-neb€rg in prgper order an-d t~ -carry out im– proveme:t:it::; it was- necessary ... for the Swedish Committee to allot t0 the Swedish Football Committee th~ -sum of£ I 86o, and to· engage the former English ·pr0fessional, Charles Bvny.an,~ to train the_Swedish team for the. Games. It :was further decided tliafeach nation taking part should be- allo_w~d to enter 22 -resenres in ad_dition tG> ·the fi men f0rmi_ng its international rep~esentative team. The only ·nation to protest agains_t this policy ,:was Germany, and· they wished _ th~ re~erves - per team to-- be reduce'd to i1. ~n offer from representatives of foreign _countries to assist -Sweden-in carry_– ·mg out the football programme, by acting as ReJeree~, was g.Ia_dly accepted~ Whe11 th€ entries dosed-on. 29 May,~the following !fnations h.ac(noti– fie_d their intention of partiCipating in"'the Football cdmpetition: Austria; Belgium, D~nmark, -.:Finland, Franee, Germany, -Great Britaig, Holland, Hungary, Ital~,-Norway, Russia ·and .Sw~cre!:, but <=>f those nations France and.Belgium-withClrew -sl:lbsequently fr_0ni-the-e:verit. On· 18 Jurie, 19·1r, tlje Draw·took place in public. ~ - - - - - · - In the rst n~und Finland be~t Italy: 3....:2, Austria- beat~Gerrfiany 5-1, and_· ~