Olympic Cavalcade

l 1 t I l ' l 1- { 8 L I-S T 0 F I L L U S T R A T I 0 N S Berween pages Baxter, Great Britain, competing in the Weight Lifting. Amsterdam, 1928 16o-161 Holland defeating Great Britain in the Tandem Cycle race. Amsterd~m, 1928 16o-16x Prince Olaf's yacht winning in the 6-metre class._Amsterdam, 1928 160-161 H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands presenting winners with their trophies. Amsterda!}1, 1928 176-177 Metcalfe, U.S.A., defeating W. J. Waiters, South Mrica and E. Borchmeyer, Germany, in die 200 metres. Los Angeles, 1932 176-1iJ lfoin Hampson who broke the 8oo metres world record. Los Angeles, 1932 176-177 Luigi Beccali, Italy, in the 1500 metres. Los Angeles, 1932 176-177 Matti Jaervinen, Finland, the world's record holder, who captured the Javelin Throw. Los Angeles, 1932 192-193 Women's High Jump by Jean Shiley, U.S.A. A new world record.' Los Angeles, 1932 192-193 L. A. Leh_rinen, Finland, winning the -5~00 metres. Los Angeles, 1932 192-193 Sam Eerris, R.A.F. and Great Britain, at Los Angeles, 1932 192-193 The first lap in the B'ritish Marathon Trials. Los Angeles, 1932 192-193 A new world's record in the Pole Vault by Bill Miller, U.S.A. Los Angeles, 1.9_~2 192-193 Start of the 31-mile journey. Berlin, 1936 200-201 The Germans are v~ry ke_en gymnasts 20o-2or _H. H. Whitlock, who won, in world. record rime, the ·5o kilometres walk at .,_--- Be~lin, 19J6 - 2oo-2o1 E. Harper, Great Britain, who was beaten by K. So_n, Japan, in the ·Marathon. · - Berlin, i936 - - 20o-2or Ibolya Csak, Hungary, :yinning the High h1mp. Berlin 1936 - '"- 2oo-201 Trebisonda V alia, Italy, winning the Women's 8q metres Hurdles. Berlin, 1936 ioo-201 Three Finnish ~nners-Lehtinen, Salminen-and Maki. Berlin, 1936 208-209 Roberts, Great Britajn, win·ning his heat jn the 1oo m~tfes. Berlin, 19;l6 208-209 Jack Lovelock, New Zealand~ winning the qoo metres from Glen Cunning- -· ham, U.S.A., and Luigi Beccali, Italy. Berlin,.1936 . 208-209 The 5000 metr~~,-wo~ by ilie.Finqs. Berlin, 1936. · 216-217 Sydney Wooaerson, Great Britain, in the r5oo metre~. Berlin, -1936 216-217 Glen ~u~ningham, U.S.A._, and Archi ~an R6mani, U.S.A., in a :trial run 216---~17 The Lay-out and· Stan~ at Berlin, 1936 -216=-u7